
dynamically diagnosing the human periodontium and the dental implant-bone interface

... 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995


Influence of the implant abutment on the Periotest value - a study done in vivo
[Einfluß des Implantataufbaus auf den Periotestwert - eine in vivo Untersuchung]

GERMÁN GÓMEZ ROMÁN, DIETER LUKAS, (Clinic of Oral Surgery and Periodontology and Special Collaborative Implantology Program)

The result of Periotest measurement for dental implants depends on the type of prosthetic abutment. In case a Periotest value cannot be measured at a single crown depending on the indication the interdependence of Periotest value and superstructure must be taken into consideration to allow this value to be comparable. For this reason this study of Frialit®-2 implants involved measurement of the Periotest value at the healing abutment and the crown abutment at the end of the healing period and comparison to the Periotest measurement at the single crown for each implant. This comparison reveals an average decrease of the Periotest value of 1,7 for the crown abutment instead of the single crown. A decrease of 3,5 of the Periotest value can be found for measurement at the healing abutment. Both changes very significantly differ from zero.
[Das Ergebnis der Periotestmessung bei dentalen Implantaten hängt ab von der Art des prothetischen Aufbaus. Kann abhängig von der Indikation der Periotestwert nicht an einer Einzelkrone gemessen werden, so muß die Abhängigkeit des Periotestwerts von der Suprakonstruktionberücksichtigt werden um vergleichbar zu sein. Dazu wurde in der vorgelegten Arbeit bei Frialit®-2 Implantaten am Ende ihrer Einheilzeit der Periotestwert am Gingivaformer und am Aufbau gemessen und mit der Periotestmessung an einer Einzelkrone implantatindiviuell verglichen. Im Vergleich zur Einzelkrone verringert sich der Periotestwert gemessen am Aufbau im Mittel um 1,7. Bei der Messung am Gingivaformer sinkt der Periotestwert um 3,5. Beide Unterschiede (bei der übersetzung difference vermeiden) sind hochsignifikant verschieden von Null.] call for reprints(

Periodontal parameters around porous-coated dental implants after 3 to 4 years supporting overdentures


J Clin Periodontol 23, 517-522 ( 1996

dental implants; Periotest; Analysis of Variance; Dental Implantation,Endosseous; Dental Plaque Index; Dental Prosthesis Design; Dental Restoration Failure; Denture,Complete,Lower; Gingival Hemorrhage pathology; Jaw,Edentulous rehabilitation; Jaw,Edentulous surgery; Mandible; Periodontal Attachment Loss pathology; Periodontal Pocket pathology; Porosity; Stress,Mechanical; Surface Properties; Dental Prosthesis,Implant Supported; Denture,Overlay; Periodontal Index; Human;

Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Canada:
In this study, an assessment using modified periodontal indices was done on a group of 48 fully edentulous patients who had each been treated with 3 porous-coated (EndoPore) dental implants and a mandibular overdenture. Parameters assessed included plaque index (PI), sulcular bleeding index (SBI), pocket probing depth (PD), probing attachment level (PAL) and mobility (M) using a Periotest device. At the time of the assessment, all of the patients had passed 3 years of continuous function while 26 had passed 4 years. Approximately 50% of implant surfaces were plaque- free while 79% of surfaces showed no bleeding upon probing. There was no correlation between PI and SBI. The mean PD was 3.1 mm with 64% of sites < or = 3.5 mm. Mobility measurements taken with the Periotest device gave a mean PTV of (-4.35) with 96% of measurements (-0.5). No significant correlations were found between mobility and either PAL or implant length.

A method for assessing the damping characteristics of periodontal tissues: Goals and limitations


Quint Int 26, 191-197 (1995).

The Periotest method, an objective, noninvasive clinical diagnostic method, is a dynamic procedure that measures the resistance of the periodontium to a defined impact load. It has been reported that Periotest values depend to some extent on tooth mobility, but mainly on the damping characteristics of the periodontium. Nevertheless, the real clinical meaning of the measurements and some important limitations of the Periotest measuring principle still seem to be poorly understood. In the present study, the relationship between damping characteristics of periodontal tissues and tooth mobility was investigated. The best correlations between tooth deflection and Periotest values were found for teeth showing a certain degree of clinical mobility (R2 from 0.79 to 0.91). Nevertheless, this correlation was clearly lower when only healthy subjects were examined (R2 from 0.43 to 0.54). The better correlation found for forces greater than 1.0 N indicates that the damping characteristics assessed with the Periotest method are related to secondary tooth movemet. The Periotest methodology, measuring principle, and limitations are critically reviewed.

Eine Methode zur Messung des Dämpfungsverhaltens in parodontalen Geweben - Ziele und Einschränkungen


Quintessenz 515-525 (1995).

Periotest; Periodontometrie nach Mühlemann; Zahnbeweglichkeit; Zahnauslenkung

Afdeling Parodontologie, Faculteit Geneeskunde, Katholieke Universiteit, CapuciJnenvoer 7, B-3000 Leuven:
Die Periotestmethode, ein objektives, nichtinvases klinisches Verfahreen, ist ein dynamischer Test, der den Widerstand des Parodoritiums gegen eine definierte Aufprallkraft prüft. Es wurde berichtet, dab die Periotestwerte vom Grad der Zahnbeweglichkeit, hauptsächlich jedoch vom Dämpfungsverhalten des Parodontiurns abhängig sind. Dennoch scheinen die tatsächliche klinische Bedeutung der Messungen und einige wichtigen Einschränkungen des Periotest-Mebprinzips bisher unverstanden. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Dämpffungsverhalten der parodontalen Gewebe und der Zahnbeweglichkeit untersucht. Die beste Korrelation zwischen der Zahnauslenkung (Mühlemann-periodontometer) und den Periotestwerten wurde bei Zähnen festgestellt, die einen gewissen Grad an klinischer Beweglichkeit zeigten (R2 von 0,79 bis 0,91). Diese Korrolation war jedoch deutlich geringer, wenn ausschlieblich gesunde Patienten untersucht wurden (R2 von 0,43 bis 0,54). Die bessere Korrelation erreichte man bei einer Kraft, die gröber als 1.0 N war. Dies läbt erkennen, dass das mit der Periotestmethode gemessene Dämpfungsverhalten mit der sekundären Zahnbeweglichkeit zusammenhängt. Auberdem werden die Periotestmethodik, das Mebpritizip und die Einschränkungen kritisch überprüft.

Splints made of wire and composite: an investigation of lateral tooth mobility in vivo


Endod Dent Traumatol 11, 288-293 (1995).

Wurzelamputation; Periotest; Composite Resins; Adolescence; Child; Linear Models; Orthodontic Wires; Percussion; Periodontal Ligament injuries; Statistics,Nonparametric; Time Factors; Tooth Luxation complications; Tooth Mobility etiology; Wound Healing; Periodontal Splints; Tooth Luxation therapy; Tooth Mobility diagnosis; Tooth Mobility therapy; Female; Human; Male; Trauma; Zahnauslenkung

Department of Conservative Dentistry, Karl-Franzens-University, Graz:
In 103 posttraumatic splints, later tooth mobility was measured with Periotest immediately before and after the routine splint removal. The splints were made of composite resin and an 0.017 X 0.025" orthodontic steel wire. 481 teeth were measured. A statistic evaluation revealed that the immobilisation effect did not exceed normal tooth firmness. Fixation to one neighbouring tooth had less effect than fixation to two. Adjacent tooth gaps reduced the effect. Splint extensions had no influence. With the use of the Periotest device, more than 50% of all teeth with a true mobility of 20 Periotest-units or more were detectable as mobile in spite of the fixed splint

Osseointegration of Branemark fixtures using a single-step operating technique. A preliminary prospective one-year study in the edentulous mandible

BERNARD, J.P., BELSER, U.C., MARTINET, J.P., BORGIS, S.A., Department of Oral Surgery, School of Dentistry, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Clin Oral Implants Res 6, 122-129 (1995).

Osseointegration; branemark; Mandible; WA; implant; Periotest; Adult; Aged; Dental Plaque Index; Denture,Overlay; Feasibility Studies; Jaw,Edentulous surgery; Mandible surgery; Middle Age; Periodontal Index; Prospective Studies; Time Factors; Treatment Outcome; Dental Implantation,Endosseous methods; Dental Implants

The aim of the present prospective clinical study was to analyze the feasibility of inserting Branemark fixtures according to a one-stage procedure including transmucosal healing and to subsequently evaluate the predictability of osseointegration as well as the potential of such implants for stabilizing complete overdentures in the edentulous mandible. Five patients (2 women, 3 men), completely edentulous in the mandible and with a mean age of 60 years, volunteered for this study. Two fixtures of various length (10-20 mm) and 3.75 mm in diameter were inserted in the lower canine regions. A standard surgical procedure including a midcrestal incision was used. After the placement of the fixtures, healing abutments, which are normally used during second-stage surgery, were inserted instead of the usual cover screws. Three months after implant placement a clinical and radiographic examination was performed to confirm the presence or absence of osseointegration of the fixtures prior to exchanging the healing abutments with the spherical attachments. Finally, different clinical (Plaque Index, Bleeding Index, probing depth, Periotest mobility) and radiographic (bone loss, peri-implant radiolucency) parameters were recorded 9 months after loading of the fixtures by means of a complete mandibular overdenture, retained by two ball attachments in the canine regions. All fixtures were perfectly stable (mean Periotest values of -2) and presented favorable peri-mplant soft tissue conditions, and no patient was complaining about any particular symptom. As far as retention and stability of their implant supported overdenture was concerned, the participants without exception considered the therapeutic result as being perfectly adequate.

Influence of the suprastructure on the peri-implant tissues in beagle dogs

HURZELER, M.B., QUINONES, C.R., SCHUPBACH, P., VLASSIS, J.M., STRUB, J.R., CAFFESSE, R.G., Department of Stomatology, Health Science Center, Dental Branch, University of Texas-Houston, USA

Clin Oral Implants Res 6, 139-148 (1995).

Dogs; WA; Titanium; implant; Metals; branemark; Mandible; Periotest; Acrylic Resins; Alveolar Bone Loss etiology; Alveolar Bone Loss radiography; Analysis of Variance; Composite Resins; Dental Plaque Index; Dental Porcelain; Dental Prosthesis,Implant Supported adverse effects; Denture,Partial,Fixed; Metal Ceramic Alloys; Osseointegration; Periodontal Index; Subtraction Technique; Dental Implants adverse effects; Dental Prosthesis Design; Dental Prosthesis,Implant Supported; Dental Implants; Omega Dental Ceramic

The purpose of this study was to compare clinical, radiographic and histological differences around titanium oral implants loaded with either acrylic-veneered metal or ceramo-metal fixed prostheses. Five beagle dogs were used in this investigation. At the beginning of the study, all mandibular premolars and first molars were extracted. After 3 months of healing, 2 Branemark implants were installed on each side of the mandibles. Three months later, abutments were inserted on each implant and a daily oral hygiene regime was initiated. One month after abutment connection, the implants on one side of the mandible were restored with an acrylic-veneered metal fixed prosthesis, whereas, on the other side a ceramo-metal fixed prosthesis was inserted. The prostheses were constructed in occlusion with the maxillary first molars. The following clinical parameters were measured around each implant at this time (i.e., baseline), and thereafter, at monthly intervals up to 5 months: Plaque Index; Gingival Index; implant mobility (using the Periotest); probing depth and clinical attachment level (using the Florida Probe). In addition, standardized radiographs were taken at baseline and 5 months after insertion of the prostheses and evaluated by subtraction radiography. Another Branemark fixture was installed on each side of the mandibles 3 months before the end of the study. These implants remained unloaded and submerged for the entire study period. Five months after prosthesis insertion, the animals were killed, and implants with their supporting peri-implant tissues were processed for histological evaluation. Analyses of the clinical, radiographic and histometric parameters revealed no significant differences between the acrylic-veneered and ceramometal loaded implants.

The influence of splinting procedures on the periodontal and peri-implant tissue damping characteristics. A longitudinal study with the Periotest device

NAERT, I.E., ROSENBERG, D., VAN STEENBERGHE, D., TRICIO, J.A., NYS, M., Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

J Clin Periodontol 22, 703-708 (1995).

damping; Periotest; leuven; WA; implant; Acrylic Resins; Adult; Aged; Aged,80 and over; Biomechanics; Cementation; Denture Design; Denture,Partial,Temporary; Follow Up Studies; Jaw,Edentulous,Partially rehabilitation; Longitudinal Studies; Metal Ceramic Alloys; Middle Age; Monitoring,Physiologic; Osseointegration; Dental Abutments; Dental Implantation,Endosseous; Dental Implants; Denture,Partial,Fixed; Periodontics instrumentation; Periodontium physiology

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the capability of the Periotest device in detecting and monitoring functional changes in the periodontal as well as in the pari-implant damping characteristics. In the first part of this study, 107 teeth were splinted by means of 40 full acrylic fixed prostheses (AFP) and another 37 teeth were splinted by means of 14 ceramometallic fixed prostheses (C-MFP). The Periotest measurements of individual teeth were done the day the fixed prostheses were cemented temporary (PT 1), and again after a mean observation period of 27.4 days (PT 2). In the 2nd part, 78 osseointegrated two-stage implants were splinted by means of 23 full acrylic fixed prosthesis (AFP) and other 18 implants were left without it. Using the same abutment length, Periotest measurements were performed, at abutment connections and before installation of the final prosthesis. In a 3rd part, using both implants and teeth as abutments, 29 osseointegrated implants were connected with 25 abutment teeth by means of 7 AFP. The measurements were performed at the beginning of the prosthetic treatment and 2, 4 and 6 weeks later. After splinting teeth by means of AFP for the observation period, no statistically significant reduction in PTs was found. When on the other hand, a C-MFP was used, PT 2 showed a significant reduction. The PTs at abutment connection went down after a period of time, during which some implants were interconnected by means of an AFP and others were not.

Clinical evaluation of mandibular overdentures supported by multiple-bar fabrication: a follow-up study of two implant systems

VERSTEEGH, P.A., VAN BEEK, G.J., SLAGTER, A.P., OTTERVANGER, J.P., Department of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, De Weezenlanden Hospital, Zwolle, The Netherlands

Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 10, 595-603 (1995).

Follow Up Studies; implant; WA; ITI; endosseous implants; Methods; Periotest; Alveolar Bone Loss etiology; Chi Square Distribution; Dental Implants adverse effects; Dental Implants economics; Dental Prosthesis Retention instrumentation; Denture,Overlay; Insurance,Dental; Middle Age; Multivariate Analysis; Osseointegration; Periodontal Index; Proportional Hazards Models; Prosthesis Failure; Prosthesis Related Infections etiology; Retrospective Studies; Survival Rate; Dental Implants; Dental Prosthesis Design

A retrospective follow-up study was undertaken to assess the clinical condition, complications, and prosthodontic aftercare of two different implant systems over a long period. Thirty-six patients treated with a total of 135 ITI type F endosseous implants, and 37 patients treated with the transmandibular implants and a total of 146 transmandibular posts, were studied during a mean follow-up period of 70 months and 44 months, respectively. The choice of implant type was mainly influenced by a change in financial support by the National Health Insurance Company in The Netherlands in 1987. Cumulative success rates were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier product limit method. In the analysis, the risk for failure of the implants was adjusted for differences in mandibular bone height. There were no differences between the two treatment groups with regard to age, gender, period of edentulousness, and mandibular bone height. During the follow-up period, plaque, bleeding, and hyperplasia scores demonstrated no significant differences between the two groups. The ITI type F group showed significantly more recession, and the transmandibular implant group demonstrated significantly increased Periotest values. After adjusting for differences in bone height, patients treated with ITI type F implants had a lower risk of failure (relative risk, 0.55; 95% confidence interval 0.32 to 0.95). However, neither of the implant systems fulfilled Albrektsson's criteria of success

Einflussfaktoren auf das Dämpfungsverhalten von IMZ- und Branemark-Implantaten


Z Zahnärztl Implantol 11, 15-18 (1995).

Periotest (R) measurements and osseointegration of mandibular ITI implants supporting overdentures


Clin Oral Impl Res 6, 73-82 (1995).

Die Periotest(R)-Werte von Implantaten im Unterkiefer wurden vor und nach Belastung mit einer Hybridprothese aufgenommen und miteinander verglichen. Es wurden 30 zahnlose Patienten (Durchschnittsalter 69 Jahre) mit 60 Bonefit-ITI-Implantaten ausgewählt. Gemessen wurden die Periotestwert 1) nach einer Einheilphase von 3 Monaten und 2) nachdem die Hybridprothese während 12 Monaten getragen worden war. Beide Male wurden auch die parodontalen Parameter aufgenommen. Zusätzlich entnahm man bei 17 Eingriffen während der Implantation je eine Biopsie aus derselben Region des Unterkieferknochens. Von diesen Knochen wurde die Knochendichte analysiert. Die histomorphometrische Evaluation wurde mit der Punktzählmethode durchgeführt. Nach Abschluss der Einheilphase lagen alle PT im Streubereich von -1 bis -8 (Mittelwert: -4.08). Ein Jahr später zeigten sich wiederum überall negative Werte, diesmal in der Bandbreite von -2 bis -8 mit einem Mittelwert von -4.97. Der Unterschied war statistisch signifikant (p<0.05). Die 17 Biopsien des Unterkieferknochens wurden auf ihre Dichte untersucht. Die Knochendichte lag zwischen 22.4% und 90.9%. Man fand keine Korrelation zwischen Knochendichte und den Periotestwert. Man konnte jedoch eine signifikante Korrelation zwischen Ausmass der Unterkieferatrophie und der Knochendichte feststellen

The Periotest values of mandibular implants, registered before and after loading by overdentures, were compared. Thirty edentulous patients with 60 Bonefit ITI implants were selected with an average age of 69 years. The Periotest values were measured 1) after a healing period of 3 months and 2) after the overdentures had been worn for a period of 12 months. Periodontal parameters were recorded at both examinations. Furthermore, 17 biopsies of mandibular bone taken from the implant sites during implant surgery were analyzed to assess the bone density. The histomorphometric evaluation was done using a point count method. At the end of the healing period, all registered Periotest values were negative, ranging from -1 to -8 with an average of 4.08. One year later, all measurements showed negative values again, ranging from -2 to -8 with an average of 4.97. The difference was statistically significant. Seventeen biopsies of mandibular bone were evaluated to determine the density. The range of bone density was from 22.4% and 90.9%. There was no correlation found between bone density and Periotest values. However, a significant correlation could be observed between mandibular atrophy and bone density. (School of Dental Medicine; Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern, Switzerland)

Frontzahnbeweglichkeit nach direkter Klebung von Lingualretainern. Ein Vergleich von In-vitro- und In-vivo-Messungen [The mobility of the anterior teeth after the direct bonding of lingual retainers. A comparison of in-vitro and in-vivo measurements]

SCHWARZE, J., BOURAUEL, C., DRESCHER, D., Poliklinik fur Kieferorthopädie, Rheinische Friedrich- Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

Fortschr Kieferorthop 56, 25-33 (1995).

Lingual retainers are today widely used in the long-term stabilization of incisors. In that they are left in place for a period of years, the question arises to what extent lingual retainers allow sufficient physiological movement. To answer this question first an in-vitro study of the inflexibility of various retainers under horizontal and vertical load was carried out. Next the retainer which limited physiological movement to the least degree was studied in-vivo. Both dynamic and static mobility measurements of the lower jaw front teeth were carried out on 5 patients before and after bonding the retainers. A self developed measuring instrument was used to make the static measurements and a periotest device was employed in the dynamic measurements. The in-vitro tests indicated that, with the exception of the retainer made of multistranded 0.0155" wire or glass fiber, a significant reduction in tooth mobility can be expected with all the retainers. However, the static in-vivo measurement carried out with the 0.0155" wire resulted in a distinct reduction in tooth movement. The dynamic measurements using the periotest device confirmed this finding. With regard to clinical practice within the framework of long-term retention, highly flexible retainers appear to be the most suitable and are to be recommended

Mechanical state assessment of the implant-bone continuum: a better understanding of the Periotest method

TRICIO, J., LAOHAPAND, P., VAN STEENBERGHE, D., QUIRYNEN, M., NAERT, I. (Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium),

Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 10, 43-49 (1995).

The aim of this study was to obtain a better understanding of the Periotest method when used to detect subclinical mobility of osseointegrated implants. Four hundred two screw-shaped implants were tested with the Periotest device at the time of abutment connection. Several factors, including jaw location, implant and abutment length, and gender, were related to Periotest values (PTs). Implants located in the anterior region of the mandible showed the lowest mean PT (- 3.2). The influence of abutment and implant length upon PTs could be detected in the maxilla. In the mandible, only abutment length had influence on PTs. Women showed higher mean Periotest scores in the maxilla compared with men. This difference was not found in the mandible. The Periotest method, its clinical limitations, and the meaning of a given PT are also discussed

Periotestwerte Tübinger Implantate


Gesellschaft für Orale Implantologie (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch für Orale Implantologie, Quintessenz Verlag, Berlin (1994).

Tooth mobility and resolution of experimental periodontitis. An experimental study in the dog

GIARGIA, M., ERICSSON, I., LINDHE, J., BERGLUNDH, T., NEIDERUD, A.M.,(Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Odontology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

J Clin Periodontol 21, 457-464 (1994).

The aim of the present experiment was to study alterations in the mobility of teeth that occurred during resolution of experimentally induced periodontitis lesions in the dog. 5, 1- year-old, beagle dogs were used in the study. The left and right 4th, 3rd, and 2nd mandibular premolars (4P4, 3P3, 2P2) served as experimental teeth. Periodontal tissue breakdown was initiated by placing plaque-collecting cotton-floss ligatures around the neck of the experimental teeth. The ligatures were replaced to the level of the receding gingival margin 1 x every month. On Day 120, the ligatures were removed and debridement was performed. A groove, parallel to the long axis of the mesial root, was prepared in the mesio-buccal surface of the crowns of 2P and P2. Guided by the groove and with a probing force of 0.5 N, a probe was inserted into the buccal gingival pocket of the mesial root and was attached to the buccal surface. Biopsies including both the mesial and distal root of 2P and P2 and the surrounding hard and soft tissues were harvested. The biopsy procedure was repeated in a similar manner 15 days (i.e. Day 135) and 3 months (i.e. Day 225) after ligature removal in the 4th (4P4) and 3rd (3P3) premolar regions. After fixation, decalcification and sectioning, the biopsy material was exposed to histometric and morphometric measurements. Assessment of the mobility of the experimental teeth was performed on Days 120, 135 and 225 using the Periotest system.

Evaluation of the peri-implant epithelial tissue of percutaneous implant abutments supporting maxillofacial prostheses


Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 9, 197-206 (1994).

The use of commercially pure titanium endosseous implants has become state-of-the-art treatment for patients with craniofacial defects. This study defined criteria that can be used in assessing the peri-implant abutment epithelium. The criteria were then used to examine overall tissue reaction. In this investigation, seven patients with percutaneous craniofacial implants were evaluated. Two of these patients exhibited adverse skin reactions that were associated with heavy sebaceous crusting, skin cultures positive for Staphylococcus aureus, higher Periotest values, and thicker peri-abutment tissue with greater mobility. It was determined that these factors can predispose the patient to local infection, which, if ignored, can result in failure of the implant. This study indicates that adequate patient hygiene is crucial to maintaining healthy tissues in the peri-implant abutment site

Relationship between the stiffness of the dental implant-bone system and the duration of the implant-tapping rod contact

KANEKO, T.M., (Research Laboratory, Nikon Corporation, Tokyo, Japan)

Med Eng Phys 16, 310-315 (1994).

The physical basis of the Periotest percussion diagnosis is theoretically studied by modelling the dental implant-bone system as a simple lumped parameter system. An expression of the effective stiffness k(eff) is derived as a function of the contact time tau. The validity of k(eff) obtained is verified by a comparison with experimental values estimated from other methods. Relationships between k(eff) and the pure stiffness for the Kelvin-Voigt and Maxwell models are also derived. It is suggested that an increase of viscosity as well as stiffness will decrease tau

Determination of the tooth mobility change during the orthodontic tooth movement studied by means of Periotest and MIMD (the mechanical impedance measuring device for the periodontal tissue)

NAKAGO, T., MITANI, S., HIJIYA, H., HATTORI, T., NAKAGAWA, Y.,(Department of Orthodontics, Okayama University Dental School, Japan)

Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 105, 92-96 (1994).

Two mechanical devices were selected to attempt to assess any changes in tooth mobility when orthodontic force was applied. A Periotest (PT) for assessing mobility and a mechanical impedance measuring device (MIMD) were the instruments chosen to diagnose the changes in the periodontal condition. The relative mobility of four canines after orthodontic tooth movement manipulation was assessed over a 4-week period. Both devices were able to detect very small changes in tooth mobility and could follow the changes during tooth movement. According to the Periotest unit, the tooth mobility changes were not within the clinically abnormal range, despite the initial retraction load from a sectional arch, applied in a horizontal direction with about 150 gm for each tooth. In all instances, the contiguous maxillary first premolar had been removed 1 to 2 months before force application. The tooth mobility observed in this investigation could be different from that caused by periodontal disease or traumatic injury. Just after orthodontic tooth movement manipulation, the Periotest values (PT), as measured on the Periotest, of tooth mobility decreased and the resistance as measured by the mechanical impedance measuring device (MIMDM) was increased. Thus, initially, there is a greater resistance to movement with decreased mobility. After the experimental period of 4 weeks, there was an increase in the mobility, as measured by the Periotest and the mechanical resistance decrements were observed. However, the Periotest units showed some different changes occasionally that did not seem to reflect the state of tooth movement. This needs to be investigated further over a longer period of time. On the basis of the results obtained, it does appear that it is feasible to use these devices to determine mobility changes in patients at various stages of orthodontic treatment

Beweglichkeit von Prothesenpfeilern unter dem Einfluss verschiedenartiger Konstruktionselemente


Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 49, 25-29 (1994).

The influence of implant type, material, coating, diameter, and length on periotest values at second-stage surgery: DICRG interim report no. 4. Dental Implant Clinical Research Group

OCHI, S., MORRIS, H.F., WINKLER, S., (Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Dental Research, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)

Implant Dent 3, 159-162 (1994).

Many of the presently used methods of evaluating osseointegration at second- stage surgery are highly subjective. The Periotest is claimed to offer a more objective means to assess osseointegration by means of microcomputer-controlled percussion. In 1991 the Dental Implant Clinical Research Group initiated a long-term clinical study in cooperation with the Department of Veterans Affairs to investigate the influence of implant design, application, and site of placement on clinical performance and crestal bone height. As part of this investigation, the Periotest values for 1, 565 root form implants were determined at second-stage surgery and correlated with type, material, coating, diameter, and length. Hydroxyapatite-coated implants and increased implant diameter and length produced Periotest values that indicated a greater extent of stability as compared with noncoated implants with shorter diameters and lengths. Hydroxyapatite-coated cylinder-type implants yielded the most favorable Periotest readings. Not only does the Periotest have the potential of being a valuable instrument for assessing implant mobility at second- stage surgery, but it also appears to have the capability of determining slight differences in the implant-bone complex

Influence of arch bar splinting on periodontium and mobility of fixed teeth

OIKARINEN, K.S., NIEMINEN, T.M., Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Oulu, Finland

Acta Odontol Scand 52, 203-208 (1994).

Altogether 17 patients treated with arch bar splints fixed onto teeth were tested at the time of splint removal and approximately 5 months later. Patients were treated with intermaxillary fixation (IMF) because of either orthognathic surgery (7 patients) or mandibular fractures (10). The CPITN index was used for estimating the periodontal status, and tooth mobility was measured with Periotest. Seven patients in the orthognathic surgery group could also be examined before splinting. Periodontal status, as shown with relative proportions of various CPITN indexes, worsened due to splinting but regained its original level at control examination a minimum of 5 months after splint removal. Since the mean Periotest values did not differ between the first and control examinations in the seven patients undergoing orthognathic surgery, the analysis of the effect of splinting on tooth mobility was performed from the values obtained immediately after splint removal and at control visit. Splinting was shown to increase Periotest values more in female patients, in younger ones, and in those who were splinted for a shorter period. Teeth with the smallest roots showed greater differences in Periotest values than those with large roots, and the greatest differences in mobility were observed in incisors

Assessment of implant mobility at second-stage surgery with the Periotest: DICRG Interim Report No. 3. Dental Implant Clinical Research Group

TRUHLAR, R.S., MORRIS, H.F., OCHI, S., WINKLER, S., Department of Periodontics, School of Dental Medicine, State University of New York, USA

Implant Dent 3, 153-156 (1994).

Many of the presently used methods of evaluating osseointegration at implant uncovering are highly subjective. The Periotest is claimed to offer a more objective means to assess osseointegration by means of microcomputer-controlled percussion. Investigators involved in a long-term clinical study of dental implants being conducted by the Dental Implant Clinical Research Group used the Periotest to evaluate the mobility associated with all study implants at second-stage surgery and correlate the Periotest values with various bone densities. The Periotest values for 1,838 root form implants ranged from -8 to +25. Implants that appeared to be osseointegrated at uncovering recorded a mean Periotest value of - 3.37 +/- 3.25, while nonosseointegrated implants had a mean Periotest value of +13.87 +/- 14.27. Mean Periotest values were - 3.82 +/- 3.04 for quality 1 bone, -3.70 +/- 3.06 for quality 2 bone, -3.31 +/- 3.18 for quality 3 bone, and -1.29 +/- 3.57 for quality 4 bone. The Periotest has the potential of being a valuable instrument for assessing the status of osseointegration at second-stage surgery

Reconstruction of the Permaxilla with autogenous iliac bone in combination with osseointegrated implants

APARICIO, C., BRÅNEMARK, P.-I., KELLER, E.E., OLIVÉ, J. Minnesota, Schweden, Spanien,

Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl 8, 61-67 (1993).

Die gleichzeitige Verwendung von autologen Knochentransplantaten und zahnärztl Implantat eröffnet neue Alternativen zur Reconstruction von grossen Gewebedefekten. 1 Patient mit Segmentosteotomie. Beckenkammtranspl 2 spezial Brånemark Implante festsitzend Suprakonstruktion

Dämpfungsmessung an Implantatpfeilern und natürlichen Zähnen


Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 48, 184-187 (1993).

160 parodontal betreute Implantate und 118 natürliche Zähne vertikale trichterförmige Knocheneinbrüche scheinen den Periotestwert zu beeinflussen

In vitro consistency of the Periotest instrument

CHAI, J.Y., YAMADA, J., PANG, I.-C., Advanced Education Prosthodontics, Northwestern University Dental School, Chicago, IL, USA ,J Prosthod

Consistency in measuring PT can be achieved. the consistency decreases as mobility increases. The consistency of measuring the damping characteristics using the Periotest (Siemens AG, Bensheim, Germany) was studied. Periotest values (PT) of three rods embedded in various depths of impression material were recorded by seven dentists. There is no statistically significant difference among the subjects in measuring PT of any of the three rods. However, the variation in the occlusal-gingival position of impact resulted in statistically significant different PT measurements of each of the three rods. Assessment of mobility of the same objects using a clinical criterion was found to be less consistent as the mobility of the object increased. In vitro PT measurements are consistent provided that the position of impact is controlled

Assessment of oral implant mobility

CHAVEZ, H., ORTMAN, L.F., DEFRANCO, R.L., MEDIGE, J., School of Dental Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA

J Prosthet Dent 70, 421-426 (1993).

load that the PT placed on the implant (eigentlich piezoelectric load cell on stiff bench) during mobility-meas. was ~ 5 N, depending on the compliance of the test object. srew implant (Swede-Vent entspr. Bånemark) in vitro model .embedded in blocks of self-cured aceylic resin. axial testing machine measured the lateral displacement under a range of loads (0 to 5 N) at a crosshead speed of 0.2 mm/minute = 0.003 mm/s. A linear regression between this stationär deviation and Periotest value on the same models demonstrated a high level of correlation (r=0.984; b~0.01mm/PT). Each PT unit corresponded to a deflection of approximately 0.01 mm when a (slowly) traverse force of 5N was applied. ~enst ! in vivo with 56 Bånemark implants. clinically successful: -6 to 02. corresponding to the in vitro modell displacement (5N load) of 0.038 mm to 0.113 mm. These data demonstrate that clinically successful implants are not immobile medline.

Most of the implant literature suggests that successful dental implants are immobile and any detected mobility indicates implant failure. This study evaluated the ability of the Periotest instrument to measure implant mobility in a controlled in vitro model with a sample of 56 in vivo implants. In the in vitro portion of the study, implant model mobility was determined by an axial testing machine (0 to 5 N at 0.2 mm/minute) and the Periotest instrument. The comparison showed a high level of correlation (Pearson's r 0.984). The load that the Periotest placed on the implants during mobility measurements was approximately 5 N, depending on the compliance of the test object. The in vivo portion evaluated the range of mobility of 56 clinically successful endosseous implants. The range of mobility as determined by the Periotest instrument was -6 to +2. This range corresponds to an in vitro model displacement (5 N load) of 0.038 mm to 0.113 mm with a mean of 0.066 mm +/- 0.018 mm (SD). These data demonstrate that clinically successful implants are not immobile, but have a range of mobility

Parodontale Parameter und deren Korrelation bei IMZ-Implantaten im zahnlosen Unterkiefer


Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 48, 207-211 (1993).

Dynamics of Periotest method of diagnosing the dental implant-bone interface

KANEKO, T.M., (Tokyo, Japan) ,

J Mater Sc 4, 256-259 (1993).

the physical basis of the pt method has been investigated on the basis of lumped parameter system models. theoretical values of the force to which an implant is subjectedby tapping have been favourably compared experimental results from literatur. 7.9N < F0 < 23N für -8 < PT <

Die Zahnbeweglichkeit lässt sich in allen Gebissphasen mit Periotest sinnvoll und reproduzierbar bestimmen


Prakt Kieferorthop 7, 117-128 (1993).

Die vorliegende Studie untersucht mit dem Periotestverfahren die physiologische Beweglichkeit der Zähne im Milch-. im Wechsel- und im bleibenden Gebiss. Das Untersuchungsgut bestand aus 80 parodontal gesunden Probanden; 39 davon im Milchgebiss mit einem durchschnittlichen Alter von 6,0 + 0, 3 Jahren, 23 im Wechselzahngebiss mit einem Alter von 8,3 + 0,3 Jahren und 19 im bleibenden Gebiss mit einem Durchschnittsalter von 27,0 + 6,2 Jahren. Im Wechselgebiss wurde zusätzlich die Abhängigkeit des Periotestwertes von der Wurzellänge der Milchzähne und der Milchmolaren im Unterkiefer überprüft. Dafür wurden die Wurzel- und die Kronenlänge aus einem Orthopantogramm bestimmt. Dadas Verhältnis Wurzel-/ Kronenlänge geringere Messfehler zeigte als die absoluten Längenmasse, wurde es zur unabhängigen Variablen der Korrelationsberechnung. Nach Einteilung der Periotestwerte in klinische Lockerungsgrade ergibt sich für die Milchzähne der Lockerungsgrad II (PTW 15 bis 25) im Schneidezahnbereich und der Lockerungsgrad 0 (PTW 2 bis 9) im Seitenzahnbereich beider Kiefer. Im Wechselgebiss unterscheidet sich die physiologische Beweglichkeit der Zähne gegenüber dem Milchgebiss nur im Schneidezahnbereich, da die bleibenden Schneidezähne geringere Periotestwerte aufweisen ( Lockerungsgrad I (PTW 9 bis 16). Im Schneidezahnbereich haben die männlichen Probanden in dieser Phase höhere Periotestwerteals die weiblichen, was wahrscheinlich durch den früheren Zahnwechsel bei Mädchen bedingt ist. Bei der röntgenologischen Auswertung sind die geringsten Messfehler im Längenverhältnis Wurzel-/ Kronenlänge zu finden; auberdem korreliert dieses Verhältnis am besten mit dem Periotestwert. Lineare Korrelationskoeffizienten zwischen Periotestwerten und Röntgenvariablen treten am deutlichsten beim 2.Milchmolaren in Erscheinung, wo der Messfehler (aufgrund der relativ geringen Wurzelresorption) am kleinsten ist. Die Periotestwerte der männlichen Untersuchungsgruppe liegen hier im Durchschnitt zirka 2 unter denen der weiblichen. Dieser geschlechtsspezifische Unterschied ist im bleibenden Gebiss am deutlichsten zu erfassen. Insgesamt sind die Periotestwerte im Milchgebiss signifikant höher als die Wechsel- und die im bleibenden Gebiss; das heibt, die Zahnbeweglichkeit nimmt im Laufe der Gebissentwicklung ab. Die Oberkieferzähne zeigen in allen drei Phasen der Gebissentwicklung höhere Periotestwerte als diejenigen des Unterkiefers

Okklusion und parodontale Reaktion


Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 48, 354-361 (1993).

Failures in the osseointegration of endosseous implants

SALONEN, M.A., OIKARINEN, K., VIRTANEN, K., PERNU, H., Department of Prosthodontics and Stomatognathic Physiology, Institute of Dentistry, University of Oulu, Finland ,

Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl 8, 92-97 (1993).

A total of 68 patients, 26 men and 42 women, aged 21 to 86 years, were treated with 204 endosseous implants (TPS, ITI, Bonefit, or Biolox) from 1985 to 1990. They were examined at their latest recall visit approximately 22.5 months after surgery, the range varying greatly between the implant systems used (from 4 to 60 months). Fourteen implants were lost during the observation period because of failures in osseointegration. There were no statistically significant differences in success rates between the implant systems during the observation period. The Periotest values, however, differed between the Bonefit and ITI implants in maxillae (P < .001) and mandibles (P < .01), and between successful and failed TPS implants (P < .001, unpaired t test). In four of the failures, all ITI implants, the prosthetic restorations (fixed dentures and single crowns) had been lost. All other failures were treated by using the previous complete denture. Possible causes of failure included advanced age and poor general health of the patient, complications in the surgical procedures, and compromised oral hygiene

Reproducibility and detection threshold of peri-implant diagnostics

STEENBERGHE, D.V., QUIRYNEN, M., Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium

Adv Dent Res 7, 191-195 (1993).

There is an increasing awareness that, for clinical monitoring of oral implants, there is a need for reliable diagnostics and possibly prognostic parameters. Indeed, reports have too often limited results to an inventory of failures, while no mention was made of progressive marginal bone loss or other symptoms of a future failure. Several parameters, such as marginal bone level assessment and/or probing attachment level, give a precision of up to 0.5 mm. Both measurements also seem related. The damping characteristics of the individual implant/bone unit also offer a highly reproducible diagnostic tool. The Periotest allows for detection of subclinical mobilities, and 95% of repeated measurements fall within a range of one unit on the arbitrary scale. So far, these three parameters offer no prognostic value AD: Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium AB: There is an increasing awareness that, for clinical monitoring of oral implants, there is a need for reliable diagnostics and possibly prognostic parameters. Indeed, reports have too often limited results to an inventory of failures, while no mention was made of progressive marginal bone loss or other symptoms of a future failure. Several parameters, such as marginal bone level assessment and/or probing attachment level, give a precision of up to 0.5 mm. Both measurements also seem related. The damping characteristics of the individual implant/bone unit also offer a highly reproducible diagnostic tool. The Periotest allows for detection of subclinical mobilities, and 95% of repeated measurements fall within a range of one unit on the arbitrary scale. So far, these three parameters offer no prognostic value

Clinical evaluation data from a comparative dental implant investigation in dogs

STEFLIK, D.E., WHITE, S.L., PARR, G.R., SISK, A.L., SCHOEN, S.P., LAKE, F.T., HANES, P.J., Department of Oral Pathology, Medical College of Georgia School of Dentistry, Augusta, USA ,

J Oral Implantol 19, 199-208 (1993).

This report presents one- year clinical evaluation data from 120 ceramic and titanium cylindrical and titanium blade-type implants placed in the mandibles of 30 adult dogs. Ninety-six of the implants supported fixed bridges. The bone and gingival health was evaluated by the following indices: crevicular fluid volume index; gingival bleeding index; plaque accumulation index; clinical mobility index; and a quantitative mobility index utilizing the Periotest instrument. Results from this investigation suggest that, overall, the ceramic implants exhibited more fractures and had more mobile implants than did the titanium implant systems. Overall, complete one-year clinical evaluation data demonstrate healthy tissue responses to 112 of the 120 implants. Further, the Periotest instrument appears to offer a more quantitative assessment of clinical mobility. Also, it appears that the clinical evaluation protocol utilized in this study is a valid procedure to use for the assessment of clinical serviceability

Reproducibility and detection threshold of peri-implant diagnostics

VAN STEENBERGHE, D., QUIRYNEN, M., Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium ,

Adv Dent Res 7, 191-195 (1993).

There is an increasing awareness that, for clinical monitoring of oral implants, there is a need for reliable diagnostics and possibly prognostic parameters. Indeed, reports have too often limited results to an inventory of failures, while no mention was made of progressive marginal bone loss or other symptoms of a future failure. Several parameters, such as marginal bone level assessment and/or probing attachment level, give a precision of up to 0.5 mm. Both measurements also seem related. The damping characteristics of the individual implant/bone unit also offer a highly reproducible diagnostic tool. The Periotest allows for detection of subclinical mobilities, and 95% of repeated measurements fall within a range of one unit on the arbitrary scale. So far, these three parameters offer no prognostic value AD: Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium AB: There is an increasing awareness that, for clinical monitoring of oral implants, there is a need for reliable diagnostics and possibly prognostic parameters. Indeed, reports have too often limited results to an inventory of failures, while no mention was made of progressive marginal bone loss or other symptoms of a future failure. Several parameters, such as marginal bone level assessment and/or probing attachment level, give a precision of up to 0.5 mm. Both measurements also seem related. The damping characteristics of the individual implant/bone unit also offer a highly reproducible diagnostic tool. The Periotest allows for detection of subclinical mobilities, and 95% of repeated measurements fall within a range of one unit on the arbitrary scale. So far, these three parameters offer no prognostic value

Zur parodontalen Diagnostik mit dem Periotestverfahren - eine klinische Querschnittsuntersuchung


Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 47, 387-390 (1992).

1170 Zähne von je 50 Patienten vor und nach systematischer Parodontalbehandlung. Regressionenkoeffizient a (Achsenabschnitt) PTW-Knochenabbau (Mundfilm) der Recallgruppe signifikant kleiner, b (Steigung) gleich. Hinweis, dab PT neben Attachmentverlust noch von anderen Faktoren beeinflubt wird, die mit bisherigen Diagnostischen Verfahren nicht erfabt werden. Regressionen Klinischer Attachment, Zahnbeweglichkeit, PTW, Röntgen- Knochenabbau. PTW mit Rö am stärksten korreliert: 0,67. "The results have shown that apart from the quantitative factor bone losss the PT includes other, qualitative factors, as well"

Zur Aussagekraft verschiedener klinischer Untersuchungsparametern hinsichtlich der Desmodontaloberfläche


Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 47, 391-394 (1992).

120 Zähne von 37 Patienten. Orthopantogramme für Knochenabbau KN in %. Attachmentverlust mit druckkalibriertes PA-Sonde TT. Desmodontaloberfläche nach Extraktion bestimmt DF in %. Korrelationskoefizient: TT-KN 0,77; TT-DF-Verlust 0,82; PTW-DF- Verlust 0,64; PTW-DF -0,46. Folgerung: PT erfabt nicht nur Desmodontfläche. "These results suggest that there are other, qualitative factors beyond loss of periodontal attachement that paly a role in the PT and cannot be assessed with the current diagnostic parameters"

Traditional periodontal parameters and the implant patient


Pract dent Hyg Nov/Dec, 23-26 (1992).

...the Periotest computer provides an objective and easy method for evaluating the implant stability {Olive...}. The performance of the Periotest unit is depenable and consistent; it produces identical results of the same implant regardless of who operates it. Because of this consistency, Periotest can be used to monitor the increase (or decrease) in the implant stability from one visit to the next.

An evaluation of the Periotest system. Part I: examiner reliability and repeatability of readings

MANZ, M.C., MORRIS, H.F., OCHI, S., Dental Implant Clinical Research Group, University of Michigan, USA

Implant Dent 1, 142-146 (1992).

35 investigators take three readings for each of 16 models designed to simulate an implant. PT generally demonstrated a high deghree of reloability and repeatibility. Metal [m] sample blocks with metal mebrans with varying resiliencies. three blocks of different types of wood (oak [o], pine [p], fir [f]). screw- vent implants (Dentsply/core-vent) were inserted 1. using procedures similar to those for clinical placement of implants, 2. cemented into a prepared site with epoxy cement to simulate osseointegration, both in each block

An evaluation of the Periotest system. Part II: Reliability and repeatability of instruments. Dental Implant Clinical Research Group (Planning Committee)


Implant Dent 1, 221-226 (1992).

Investigators involved in a clinical study on dental implants being conducted by the Dental Implant Clinical Research Group participated in a two-part in vitro evaluation of the Periotest system. The first part involved each of 35 investigators taking three readings for each of 16 models designed to simulate an implant in place in the oral cavity and to cover most of the effective measuring range of the instrument. The second part, with which this article is concerned, was conducted by three study investigators to determine the level of agreement in readings for six different Periotest instruments. Readings were taken according to the manufacturer's instructions until two coincident readings were obtained. The readings were compared to evaluate inter- and intrainstrument reliability. Instrument repeatability was evaluated by examining the number of attempts required to obtain the two coincident readings. The Periotest system generally demonstrated a high degree of repeatability and reliability, with higher variability associated with specific model samples

Periotestwerte in Abhängigkeit von der okklusalen Belastung

MAYER, R.E., LUKAS, D., SCHULTE, W., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),

Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 47, 323-326 (1992). call for reprints(

Tooth and implant mobility measuring device


Dent Mat Forum Mag 5, 5, 73-5, 77 (1992).

Mobility and percussion sound of healthy upper incisors and canines

OIKARINEN, K., KAUPPINEN, P., HERRALA, E., University of Oulu, Finland ,

Endod Dent Traumatol 8, 21-25 (1992).

In order to evaluate the correlation between mobility and percussion sound, 126 upper incisors and canines in 21 student volunteers were measured by means of the Periotest (Siemens), by evaluating the percussion sound subjectively and by analyzing its spectrum. The attenuation time and frequency of the sound were measured for each tooth. A logical mobility and percussion sound existed in accordance with the sizes of the teeth. Spearman correlation coefficients close to 1.00 were noted in individual cases between the Periotest and the three other tests describing the percussion sounds

Rigidity of various fixation methods used as dental splints

OIKARINEN, K., ANDREASEN, J.O., ANDREASEN, F.M., Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Oulu, Finland ,

Endod Dent Traumatol 8, 113-119 (1992).

Horizontal and vertical rigidity of teeth fixed with seven types of dental splints were evaluated by two tooth mobility measuring devices. Altogether 21 dissected sheep mandibles including soft tissues were used for the experiments in which Fermit, flexible wire-composite, Kevlar, Fiber, Protemp, rigid wire-composite and Triad Gel splints were applied to four incisors. The mean rigidity of the central incisors within the splint was measured by means of Muhlemann periodontometer (horizontal mobility) and Periotest (horizontal and vertical mobilities). Mobility values of teeth before splinting were used as covariants and the values with the splints were illustrated as adjusted mobility. Statistical significance between the rigidity of various splints was analyzed by an unpaired t-test. It was shown that the most rigid splints both in horizontal and vertical directions were Triad Gel, rigid wire-composite and Fermit splints. Kevlar and Fiber splint allowed more horizontal movement than other splints. Protemp and flexible wire-composite splints proved to produce adequate lateral support for the fixed teeth and allowed vertical flexibility which is experimentally known to improve periodontal healing of luxated teeth

Stabilität enossaler Implantate bei primärer und sekundärer Verblockung


Z Zahnärztl Implantol VII, 116-120 (1991).

Der Einsatz des Periotestverfahrens in der Parodontaldiagnostik -Klinische Studien in kritischer Sicht


Quintess zahnärztl Lit 42, 785-791 (1991).

The Ha-Ti implant


Schweiz Mschr Zahnheilk 101, 611-617 (1991).

Periotestuntersuchungen zur Einheilung Tübinger Implantate

LUKAS, D., SCHULTE, W., D'HOEDT, B., URBANSKI, A., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),

Z Zahnärztl Implantol VII, 62-67 (1991).

Die Kombination von Rö-Befund und intraoperativem Knochenbefund ist von grober Bedeutung für prognostische Aussagen und zeigt einen deutlichen Zusammenhang mit erhöhten PTW. Bei Verlaufsmessungen deutlicher PTW-Anstieg zwischen 1 Woche und 1 Monat post OP. Nach Prothetik bei unauffälligen Impl keine PTW Abhängigkeit von Liegedauer. Individuelle PTW-Differenz unmittelbar nach und vor einsetzen der prothet. Versorgung: +2,5 (N=15)

Faktorenerfassung zur Funktion enossaler Implantate


in vorbereitung (1991).

[The comparative characteristics of the morphological indices of the maxillodental system in 7- to 12-year-old children with absent closure of the dental arches in the frontal plane]


Stomatologiia Mosk 70-72 (1991).

The height of permanent teeth crowns was measured and the status of supporting tissue studied with the use of a Periotest in 95 children aged 7-12 with physiologic dental occlusion and in 70 age-matched children without dental occlusion in the frontal section. The data obtained by this apparatus permit a judgement on exercise tolerance of periodontal tissue. The size of the vertical fissure between maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth was measured in the children with abnormal occlusion and analysis of correlations and regressions of this parameter with the height of permanent teeth crown was carried out. The findings evidence that dental supporting tissue strength changes with age, as the maxillodental system develops, and that this characteristic is rather low in the children with non-occluding frontal teeth

Periotestwerte und Beweglichkeit parodontal erkrankter Zähne, eine vergleichende Untersuchung

SCHULTE, W., LUKAS, D., ERNST, E., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),

Quintess zahnärztl Lit 42, 1255-1263 (1991). call for reprints(

Summery: Defined total deflection of maxillary central incisors was ascertained in the orofacial direction. The extent of bone atrophy resulting from marginal periodontitis was determined by radiography. Both values were compared with the Periotest value. A correlation and regression analysis demonstrated a significant relationship, such that the Periotest provided accurate information about bone atrophy.

Zur Kinematik von Implantaten und Suprakonstruktionen

SCHULTE, W., SCHWIEDER, M., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie)

GOI Jahrbuch, Quintessenz Verlag, Berlin (1991).

The Periotest method for determining implant succes

SCOTTER, D.E., VAN, WILSON, C.J., (Chicago, Milwaukee, USA),

J Oral Implantol 17, 410-413 (1991).

The Periotest method is a reliable and reproducible clinical technique that can be utilized in determining implant stability. There is a major difference between measuring the stability of an implant and measuring its mobility. They are opposites. The periotest method measures both the quality and quantity of the biological structures actually supporting the implant, not the support that has been lost. Periotest values closely correlate with tooth mobility, but do not represent the result of a mobility measurement. The normal Periotest value range for integrated implant systems studied shows that the values compare with the Miller Index of mobility, 0 (clinically firm). The absence of mobility is an important criterion for the long-term success of dental implants.

Periotest: an objective clinical diagnosis of bone apposition toward implants


Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl 6, 55-61 (1991).

Summery: Implant mobility as an indicator of failing close bone apposition is generally known. Whereas a clearly visible mobility can always be correlated with an interposition of soft tissue, the range from a clinically firm implant to just tangible implant mobility represents the actual problem zone. Thirty consecutive patients who had mandibles restored with osseointegrated implants ad modum Branemark were tested with the Periotest device for damping characteristics of the implants and the peri-implant tissues as a whole. The mean Periotest value was -1.74. The characteristics of the mandible, the peri-implant tissue, and the abutment length are the determining factors for the Periotest value. Fixture length, dolder bar, and length of time in function had no signifcant influence on the Periotest value.

The Periotest method as a Measure of Osseointegrated oral implant stability


Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl 5, 390-400 (1990).

Summery: Oral implant stability is essential for optimal function. Results obtained from the Periotest measurement of the stability of 204 commercially pure titanium implants, consecutively placed in 22 maxillae and 24 mandibles according to the Branemark procedure, are reported. Preliminary results suggest that the Periotest value of an oral implant is an objective and easily applied criterion for stability assessment. Since osseointegration is achieved gradually over time, this test may assist the clinician in deciding whether to extend the healing period before loading fixtures that seem clinically and radiologically integrated but give borderline Periotest values.

Periotest zur quantitativen Bestimmung der okklusalen Belastung. Untersuchungen im parodontal gesunden Gebiss

SCHULTE, W., WAGNER, M., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),

Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 45, 394-399 (1990).

Summery: Unsing a serial periotest unit we determined the periotest values for diclusion, slight centric occlusion, maximum intercuspation and axially in 102 subjects with a total of 1769 teeth in periodontally healthy dentitions. All teeth were grouped according to the criteria presence or lack of antagonist contact in maximum intercuspation, excentric abrasion facets and occlusal restorations, and statistically evaluated.

The difference-normal range for physiologic occlusal loads can be assessed by comparative periotest measurements in disclusion and maximum intercuspation. Thus we have, for the first time, a quantitative, objectifiable parameter for the assessment of the "dimension of occlusion", which at the same time provides information on the functional load on the periodontia of antagonists. Premolar teeth with occlusal restorations tended to have significantly greater differences in the periotest values than teeth with natural occlusal surfaces. By comparing these values with the normal range of differences in the periotest value, a high degree of precision can be achieved in adjusting occlusal restorations. Axial measurements revealed a markedly higher shock absorbing capacity of the periodontia than horizontal measurements.

Periotest - a Dynamic Procedure for the Diagnosis of the Human Periodontium


Clin Phys Physiol Meas 11, 65-75 (1990). call for reprints(

Periotest; Human; Methods; damping; klassifkation; klinische beweglichkeit; Normalwerte; zchirpar

Periotest is a new method for the diagnosis of periodontal diseases. The periotest value depends also on tooth mobility, but mainly on the damping characteristics of the periodontium. Periotest measures the reaction upon a reproducible impact against the tooth crown. The periotest value is in itself a biophysical parameter, such as the blood pressure.The results show, that the periotest procedure is an objective and quick diagnosis procedure for the human periodontium, suitable for the dentist's routine. at monitoring of therapy or at follow-up controls the periotest is able to avoid some of the radiographies and therefore to diminish the dosage of x-radiation to the patient. The periotest values and the contact time t0 correlate closely with the tooth mobility, but they don't represent the result of a measurement of tooth mobility. The periotest values are biophysical parameters by themselves.

Das Periotest-Verfahren zur Diagnostik marginaler Entzündungen


Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 44, 609-611 (1989).

A Comparative Study of Results with various Endosseous Implant Systems


Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl 4, 95-105 (1989).

Vergleichende Untersuchungen über Parodontal-Indizes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Periotestverfahrens


Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 40, 364-365 (1989).

Summery: 40 patients from both gender were examined to determine if there is a correlation between periodontal indices and periotest values. As a result we were able to show that the pocket depth correlates with the periotest values for all tooth groups. On the other hand SulcusBleedingIndex correlates with the periotest values only for the premolars in upper and the front in lower jaw.

Überprüfung der parodontalen Reaktion an Stützzähnen mit dem Periotest-Gerät


Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 44, 579-582 (1989).

Über den Einsatz des Periotestgerätes zur Früherfassung experimentell erzeugter parodontaler Veränderungen


Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 44, 493-495 (1989).

Vergleichende biometrische Untersuchungen zur mechano-elektrischen Bestimmung der Zahnbewe glichkeit


Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 44, 774-776 (1989).

Die Abhängigkeit des Periotestwertes von Wurzelform und Wurzelquerschnitt


Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 44, 380-382 (1989).

Quantitative und qualitative Bestimmung des Settling-Effektes durch die Positioner-Therapie


Inf Orthodont Kieferorthopäd 21, 311-318 (1989).

Zahnbeweglichkeit nach kieferorthopädischer Multibandbehandlung


Inf Orthodont Kieferorthopäd 21, 89-102 (1989).

Das Periotestverfahren [the Periotest method] (an English translation ist available from the author(

SCHULTE, W., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie)

P> Ketterl, W. (Hrsg.): Deutscher Zahnärztekalender, 48, C. Hanser, München (1989).

Zur Kinematik von enossalen Implantaten und ihren Suprakonstruktionen - Periotestaspekte

SCHULTE, W., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie)

Z Zahnärztl Implantol V, 174-179 (1989).

Periotest: An objective clinical diagnosis of osseointegration.


J dent Research 68, 644 (1989).

Summery: The mobility of implants as a criterion of failing osseointegration is generally known. Whereas a clearly visible mobility can always be correlated to an interposition of soft tissue, the range from a clinical firm implant to just tangible implant mobility represents the actual problem zone. Because static tests fail to furnish information on the biophysical behaviour of the periimplantium, subjective dynamic measurements like implant percussion are used. We are presenting the preliminary results of the damping characteristics of osseointegrated implants ad modum Branemark for which we used the Periotest, recently described by W.Schulte. Its microcomputerized measuring, steering and speech synthesis systems allows it to quantify in a numeric scale the elasticity of the tissue-implant binomium when tapped with a miniature accelerometer on a rod held in low friction bearings. The trial was carried out on 30 patients with an overdenture on two implants in the lower jaw. This type of removable prosthesis makes serial measurements at any time possible. The periotest values are uniformly arranged in the negative area (-4 to 0). The breaking time fluctuates between 0.350 us and 0.450 ms. The impact force ranged between 18 N and 12 N.

The periliminary results of this work suggest that the periotest device offers new possibilities in the diagnosis and follow-up of initial stability, osseointegration after abutment connection and during function.

Nachuntersuchung des Funktionszustandes einwurzeliger Zähne im Oberkiefer nach Lappenoperation unter Verwendung des Periotestverfahrens


Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 39, 701-704 (1988).

Der Periotestwert bei enossalen Implantaten


Z Zahnärztl Implantol IV, 89-95 (1988).

The Assessment of Periodontal Disease Activity


Compend Contin Educ Dent 12, S424-S427 (1988).

Comparative Response of Mobile Teeth Following Monolithic Fiber Therapy or Scaling


Compend Contin Educ Dent 12, S418-S423 (1988).

Frühdiagnose von Zahnbetterkrankungen

LUKAS, D., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),

Physik in unserer Zeit 19, 62 (1988).


Med Biol Eng Comput 26, 260-266 (1988).

Okklusal-parodontale Belastung ist jetzt quantitativ messbar: eine neue Anwendung des Periotest-Verfahrens [The occlusal-periodontal load can now be measured quantitatively: a new field of application of the periotest method] (an English translation is available from the author( ))

SCHULTE, W., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),

Zahnärztl Mitt 78, 474-484 (1988).

The Effect of Tooth Mobility on Probing Depths


Compend Contin Educ Dent 12, S433-S437 (1988).

Some Candid Observations and Reflections on the Results of an In Vitro Test of the Siemens Periotest(R) Device


Compend Contin Educ Dent 12, S438-S441 (1988).

Replantationsergebnisse nach traumatischer Zahneluxation


Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 42, 211-215 (1987).

Le periotest: Un nouveau moyen electronique d'elevation de la mobilité dentaire


Int Dent J 69, 1335-1340 (1987).

Periotest - A new Measuring Instrument of Dynamic Periodontal Function and the Guide to its Application


Jap Quintessence 18, 41 (1987).

Untersuchungen zum Dämpfungsverhalten von Metall- und Keramikimplantaten


Z Zahnärztl Implantol III, 22-26 (1987).

Messung des Dämpfungsverhaltens enossaler Implantate mit dem Periotestverfahren

SCHULTE, W., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),

Z Zahnärztl Implantol II, S11-S12 (1986).

Der Periotest - Parodontalstatus [ the Periotest periodontal status] (an English translation is available from the author( ))

SCHULTE, W., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),

Zahnärztl Mitt 76, 1409-1414 (1986).

Das Periotestverfahren - Entwicklung und klinische Prüfung [the Periotest - research and clinical trials] (an English translation is available from the author( ))

D'HOEDT, B., LUKAS, D., MÜHLBRADT, L., SCHOLZ, F., SCHULTE, W., QUANTE, F., TOPKAYA, A., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),

Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 40, 113-125 (1985).

Was leistet das Periotestverfahren heute?

SCHULTE, W., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),

Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 40, 705-706 (1985).

Periotest - neues Messverfahren der Funktion des Parodontiums


Zahnärztl Mitt 73, 1229-1240 (1983). call for reprints(

Periotest - ein neuer Messverfahren für die Diagnose Parodontaler Erkrankungen


Zweifel, H.-J. (Hrsg.): Feintechnik in der Medizin 83, Interstaatliche Ingenieurschule, Buchs (Schweiz) (1983).

Messverfahren zur quantitativen Beurteilung des Schweregrades von Parodontopathien (Periotest)


Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 36, 451-454 (1981). call for reprints(

Bewegungsverhalten bei Stossanregung des Tübinger Implantates im Vergleich zum natürlichen Zahn

SCHOLZ, F., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),

Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 36, 567-570 (1981). call for reprints(

Die Dämpfungseigenschaften des Parodontiums im Vergleich zum Tübinger Sofortimplantat

SCHOLZ, F., HOLZWARTH, W., LUKAS, D., SCHULTE, W., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),

Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 35, 709-712 (1980). call for reprints(

Die Rückstellbewegung oberer Inzisivi [ The resetting movement of upper incisors

SCHOLZ, F., LUKAS, D., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),

Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 34, 367-370 (1979). call for reprints(

Gesunde und durch progressive marginale Parodontitis geschädigte freistehende Oberkieferfrontzähne werden labial mit 1 bis 8 N (102 bis 815 Pond) so lange belastet, bis alle Kriechbewegungen abgeklungen sind und eine gleichbleibende Auslenkung erreicht ist. Dann werden die Zähne freigegeben und die Rückstellbewegungen trägheitslos und rückwirkungsfrei gemessen. In den ersten Millisekunden unterscheiden sich die Dämpfungseigenschaften gesunder und erkrankter Zähne qualitativ. Somit sollte die Konstruktion eines praxisgerechten Diagnosegerätes für parodontale Erkrankungen möglich sein.

Summery: Labial stress of 1 to 8 Newton (102-815 Pond) was exerted on free-standing upper incisors, both healthy teeth and teeth damaged by progressive marginal periodontitis, until all creeping movement subsided and constant guidance was achieved. The teeth were then freed, and the resetting movements were measured without inertia and free of effect. The dampening characteristics of healthy and deseased teeth differed qualitatively in the first few milliseconds. Construction of a diagnostic device for determination of periodontal disease suitable for the general practise therefore ought to be possible.

Analyse von Perkussionssignalen an Zähnen


Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 32, 169-172 (1977). call for reprints(

Zahnbeweglichkeitsmessungen mit berührungslosen Wegfühlern

LUKAS, D., MÜHLBRADT, L., SCHOLZ, F., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),

Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 32, 173-175 (1977). call for reprints(

Die freie Rückstellbewegung freistehender Oberkieferfrontzähne wird gemessen. Zuvor werden die Zähne so lange mit 1,5-3 N belastet, bis alle Kriechbewegungen abgeklungen sind und eine stationäre Auslenkung erreicht ist. Erst dann wird erschütterungsfrei entlastet. Im Schrifttum fehlen Messungen der Rückstellung, welche auch die ersten 50 msec auflösen. Daher konzentriert sich diese Arbeit auf den ersten Teil dieser Rückstellbewegung.
